Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello World!

Hello Friends! (If you are reading this, I'm assuming you are either a present or future friend. :-D )

I know the blog-o-sphere has been inundated with design and decorating blogs from people far more talented and experienced than myself, and so I'm writing this mostly for my own satisfaction, and hopefully others may enjoy laughing at and learning from my mistakes as I experiment with new ideas.

My plan is to show you my room and craft room as they evolve, what is here one week, may be somewhere entirely else tomorrow. I'll also let you see the various smaller projects I'm working on along the way. Eventually I hope to restart my etsy store, but that is several projects down the to do list. (**disclaimer** Last time I tried to start a blog, I wouldn't post things for days because I was concerned about posting things out of order that they had actually happened. This time I'm going to post about whatever I happen to feel like sharing that day. I make no promises of anything resembling chronological continuity. ;-P)

If you're meeting me here for the first time, or if you've known me for years but missed the latest update, here is a quick intro to me, Chelsea aka Cee... I'm 26 and currently live with my parents, sister, brother, and grandmother in the great state of Texas. My sister and I plan to move out together as soon as we can get all our ducks in a row, but ducks are noisy rowdy creatures who won't stay put. ;-)  This year has been a year of lots of change. I finally started counseling, which has helped me find the freedom to explore so many things I was too scared to before, including quitting my job and becoming a self employed full time nanny/babysitter, cutting all my hair off, and finally taking charge of my weight again. I love reading, movies, crafting, hanging out with family and friends, and playing board games.

I have a bad tendency to ramble, and so I'll cut myself off for tonight. Next post I hope to give you a quick tour of my room and a sneak peek at what I have planned for it next, but no promises... I might end up with nothing but pictures of butterflies, it's been known to happen... and here I am rambling again. :-)

Night night world,


PS.  I'm also addicted to using smiley faces, in case you couldn't tell. :-P

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