Friday, October 24, 2014

It's the little things...

This post is part of a 31 day series about learning to try

Day 24

I tried new kind of coffee creamer, a new way of brewing tea (I'm calling it lazy chai: boil the water, add the milk and sugar, then add the tea bag. Once brewed to the desired strength, add a dash of cinnamon. :-D , ordered a gift from an online registry, took the twins to the park after nap instead of before, and I made a facebook group to make it easier to coordinate future game nights!

And then I came home and tried a new flavor of tea... It's funny and encouraging, if I really think about it, I try new things all the time now, but it is starting to become almost a habit or a lifestyle, so I'm not always aware of all my tries unless I really sit down and think about my day.  Otherwise if I'm only looking for a big intentional try in my day, I may not see one right away. 

(random blog-keeping note: I'm often posting from the app on my phone, but it doesn't have all the same features, which is why every few days I have to go back and add in links.  If you are reading this in the future hopefully it is all fixed, if you are reading it in the very near present, sorry I'm not as easily navigable as I'd like to be!)

Flash back to Day 23 over here or Jump forward to Day 25.1 and Day 25.2

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