Thursday, October 23, 2014

The preparatory tries

Today I didn't make any grand new accomplishments, but I did purchase a shower curtain complete with liner and rings for my soon to be new bathroom. 

I also finally bought a can of fabric spray paint so I can give our gifted rug a make over.  It is a huge round rug and I think it will be awesome in our dining area under my round table, but... The current pattern clashes more than a little bit with the other large rug going in the living room area (both "areas" are just opposite ends of a long wide open room) so... I'm hoping to turn the round rug more solid with a little bit of variation to the tone instead of the sort of abstract checkerboard pattern it is currently sporting. I'm hoping to get it done by Monday evening at the very latest, and then I will turn my focus to my shelves update, because since I'm 19 minutes late posting this and it is now officially Friday, that means we are officially only 3 weeks from our move in date! Eeeep!

And now if you'll excuse me, tomorrow I will be watching kids for 12 hours and I desperately need to get some sleep!


  1. I am intrigued by the fabric spray paint idea. I've never heard of this. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. What on earth? Fabric spray paint! Do tell...where? how? will it stick? won't it wear off when you walk on the rug? how does it get in the fibers? I want all the skinny please! :)

  3. I haven't ever used it before, but I bought it at Hobby Lobby. More colors are available online I think. One of the moms I work for recommended it. She has used it on several things. Apparently it works more like a dye than a paint? So it won't completely cover or change the original color. So you couldn't paint a black chair light grey or turn a red chair green. I will definitely post before and after pics!
