Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lovely Little Logs

I never meant to post every day one month and then only twice the following month! I've even sat down to post a few times and the words just wouldn't quite form themselves into sentences.  This month has been so full! I'm in a new apartment and my new work schedule is in full swing. I've also been working through some deep and some old emotional stuff.  So I'm sure you can all understand if the excess of ideas jumbled up in my brain has been even less organized here lately!  However, life seems to be settling down to a dull roar, and my aunt gave me some wonderful encouragement about my writing recently, so here I am rambling away on this ol' blog again. :-) 

And now I'm sure you are dying with curiosity to know why I have little trees all over my new home. Partially because my sister is an amazingly good sport with my decorating whimsy (I let her claim full ownership of the kitchen so it's a win-win).  Mostly because a friend from church posted a picture on Facebook of her fantastic collection of little stumps (stumps seems to be the more commonly used term. For reasons unknown, I continue to call them little logs....).   Her father had made them for her and she asked if anyone would like to order any.  At the speed of the Internet, ladies flocked to the post saying "Yes! Me please!" And the rest is history. :-) when I collected my logs from my friend before I ever moved, she asked me to post pictures of how I use them. :-) Well I intend to keep them around most of the year and just change out who keeps them company, but it's Fall for now, so the berries and pinecones and leaves and moss will probably hang around until we put up Christmas decorations next week! Ahh. Can't believe December is almost upon us! 
Soon I'll be posting pics and instructions on my "new" bookshelves! But I've want to be able to include a final "after" shot and I haven't finished putting all the books back on yet. (You'll understand why when you see them in their full glory.)
Until then, a few more pics, including the view from my balcony. :-) 

This is my new happy place. :-)

Have a fantabulous Thanksgiving people! Drive safe, eat more pie than you should, and enjoy your families. 

Hugs and kisses all around. 


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