Friday, October 3, 2014

"It's 12 o'clock somewhere" (to be sung to the tune of "it's 5 o'clock somewhere"

*** This post is part of a 31 day series about Learning to Try ***

So one of these days I WILL get a post out before everyone has gone to bed, but today is not that day. Today is day 3.  Today I tried to mix a navy floral top with grey swirly patterned pants and decided that it was not a good idea. You'll just have to imagine it because I was running late for work and didn't take a picture.  Then at work I enticed one TV addicted little boy away from some weird zombie tv show with promises to play play-dough.  When he told me to make something, I decided to try making a hippo hiding in the water.  Why? I have no idea.  I did actually search for pictures of hippos in the water and came up with this.  I'm actually quite happy with my little hippo-critter.

Isn't he cute?  That's all for now folks!


  1. Okay, my boy would seriously love this--that's some amazing hippo art!

    1. Thanks! :-D If he tries making one I want to see a picture!
